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Hey there Dreamer!

My name is Kim, but my husband calls me “The Idea Genius”

I’m not sure if he is saying that cynically or lovingly, but it actually does describe me.  That’s right!  I literally come up with ideas for fun.  AWKWARD, I know, but I actually use them to help others, so it’s all good.


I’m a purpose-filled Digital Marketing Strategist that likes to have laugh and LOVES to give God glory in everything I do.


What’s a Digital Marketing Strategist?

Simply put, I help ambitious women of faith get the tools they need to live out  what I call the 3 P’s.

PURPOSEFUL and authentic, PLEASING to the Father and PROFITABLE enough to focus on what you value most.

As a former educator (read my story), I use my best techniques to take your business ideas and give strategies that turn them into income.

Then, I provide online marketing resources to help you impact as many people possible.

Seeee? I told you I was an Idea Genius!

So, what’s been holding you back?

Here is what I hear most often:

“I don’t know what kind of business to create.”

“I have a business idea, but I don’t know where to start.”

“I started my business but I don’t know how to get noticed.”

Any of those sound familiar? No worries. That’s why I’m here!

“Living the life of your dreams starts with giving yourself permission to follow your heart.”

Create a life you LOVE



dream-u:Purpose-business building course

Access my online course where you can work at your convenience and create a business that focuses on using your gifts to create income to live the lifestyle you’ve dreamed for yourself and your family!


position your purpose: Marketing & Branding course

Learn how to create funnels and offers that bring quality leads and income to your business. This small-group option is designed to take your pre-existing business to next-level of producing 5-figure months & contracts.


idea genius: "Done for YOu" marketing services

Ready to increase your online income but don’t have the time or bandwidth to do-it-yourself? Allow Idea Genius to take the tech off your plate so you can focus on what you do best! 

Get rid of the fear and get ready to love what you do

Get info on how to build your idea with our

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"The flower doesn't dream of the bee. It blossoms and the bee comes."

-Mark Nepo


I really appreciate the time spent consulting with Kim.  She has a real passion for helping others accomplish their individual goals and can get you moving in the right direction and on a right productive path.

Janelle Sands

Creator and Founder, Secret Curl Society

Thank you Kim Osborne for dedicating your time and talent to help AEF set up our social media! Your assistance was invaluable and we look forward to working with you more in the future. Your “31 Days of Social” marketing strategy is brilliant.

Christine Curtis-Carr

Executive Director, Abilene Education Foundation

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