Many entrepreneurs, especially new ones, struggle with knowing how to overcome fear. It reminds me of when I was little, I was deathly afraid of my bedroom window. I know, it sounds crazy, but hear me out.
You see, my dad thought it would be a good idea to make us aware of how the world can be different that what we knew. So, he decided to show us a movie about gangs and crime in the inner city.
I know that my dad meant well because you have to understand that these things exist in the world, however, IT SCARED ME TO DEATH!
I was scared that if I walked past my window, there might be a drive-by shooting or something terrible. I couldn’t sleep for weeks.
Now granted, we lived in a nice neighborhood in a small town. The likely hood of violence was slim to none. However, you couldn’t tell me that. It was very real to me.
It seems silly, but many entrepreneurs live the same way. We are afraid of the small things that it takes to get our businesses out. You know, things like taking pictures of ourselves, posting on social media about our business in front of our friends, asking for the price we know our product/service is really worth.
Those fears seem like small potatoes to some, but they are VERY real to others of us. So, what do you do? Today’s blog addresses how we can get past our fears.
Never Suffer From Fear-i-tis Again. 3 Steps to Getting Past Your Fears
In Summary:
#1 Put on New Glasses – Stop looking at things from your own perspective and focus on what’s really important
#2 – Listen to the Right Person – Stop allowing the negative voices in your head overpower your thoughts of yourself
#3 – Remember WWJD? – When fear is high, look to Jesus example of putting fear aside to serve a higher purpose.
Remember no one said that it would be easy, but it is definitely worth it, so let go of the fear and embrace your faith. Not faith in yourself, but faith in what God can do through you. YOU CAN DOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!! 😉
Today’s Think Tank
Tell us, have you ever allowed fear to keep you from going for an opportunity? If so, how did you recover? If not, what’s your big secret? Give us the deets! As always, I’ll pray for you to not let fear defeat your purpose and ask that you pray for me. Until next time, BE BLESSED AND BE A BLESSING!