The Simple Guide to Authentically Branding Your Business
There, I said it. I just laid it all out there and now you are open to judge away.
I’m not a coffee lover, but I am a Sonic drink lover. A strawberry slushie or a strawberry green tea light on the ice will make this a happy woman! (I want one right now) So then, what’s the big deal about not loving coffee?
Well, it all started one day, when I was attempting to re-brand myself. I was looking for a new look to bring myself to the industry that has been known for a certain look. This one look familiar?

If you are in the female entrepreneurship industry, this is popular look. It’s gorgeous. It’s modern. It’s feminine. It’s just … not a good representation of me.
Which is fine, except, I found myself looking for the perfect coffee mug to put on my website to help myself “stand out” from the crowd. Don’t forget: I DON’T EVEN LIKE COFFEE!!!
Luckily, I caught myself, and reminded of what I was doing. I was literally like, “Kim, are you kidding me? You don’t even drink coffee. Put the mug back.” (slaps hand)

After that moment, I decided to look deeper and really asked myself what I was doing and why. My best answer? “Because everyone else was doing it.” Super lame right!?!
So then, why do I have the feeling that I’m not the only entrepreneur looking to represent myself online with an object that doesn’t actually represent myself?
It’s because as humans, we are drawn to what we see, and even more drawn to what we see working for someone else. One problem, what works for someone else has NOTHING to do with you!
It’s imperative that we remember that authenticity is equally as important as pretty and sparkly. What works for one person, may not be as effective for another, if it’s not authentic.
Think of it like this, choosing to inauthentic branding is like choosing getting a box of Valentine’s Day chocolates, picking the tastiest looking one, taking a big bite… only to find that it’s the pink, fruity kind on the inside (YUCK!!!)

Russell Stover Chocolate Candies photo coutesy of
NO ONE likes the pink, fruity one! Just like no one is going to want to keep following you if your brand is not authentically delicious.
There are ways to attract tons of customers without having to copycat someone else. Let’s look at how to Brand Yourself without Loosing Yourself shall we?
Try Branding in 5’s
One of the first aspects to authentic branding is identifying your own authenticity. In other words, what makes you…YOU! Here’s how to do it:
Step 1: Hold out your hand. For each finger use one word that best describes yourself. Be honest. Give words that you would want people to say if they were trying to get someone else to know who you are.
Ex: “She’s funny, quirky, sassy, loves family, and shopping”
Step 2: After you’ve completed your Five-finger Exercise, go test it out to see if it’s true. Find someone that knows you well. So well, that he/she will be brutally honest with you. For me, my husband has NO problems giving his 2 cents, and neither do my parents or besties.
Find your people, and then have them do the same thing and give you 5 words. (Cue evil music: Dunnn – Da – Dunnn- Dunn) It might be scary at first, but it’s also very enlightening and often encouraging to hear how others see you. Ask at least (you know it) 5 people!
Step 3: Analyze the responses that you’ve gotten and pick your top 3-5. Those, my friend, are your branding guide map. These words are how you are going to guide your branding efforts going forward.
Example, if one of your words is cheery, choosing a muted color scheme might not match your brand. Vice versa, if trendy or edgy describes you, using a rainbow scheme just doesn’t match.
You can use these words in all aspects of your branding: color scheme, brand voice, graphic design. Just work to create consistency.
The biggest benefit of doing this exercise is it helps when it comes to marketing creation. When you are being yourself, it’s WAY less work than having to be someone else!
I’ve made this even easier for you by creating a guide you can fill and use to lead the way. Click on the picture or click here to download!
Now, I’ll admit, for some of you this sounds easier than what it actually is. For those people, there are options. However, it is still going to boil down to they fact that you have to KNOW yourself to BE yourself, and when you do, the world get’s an awesome treat.
They get the chance to identify with someone just like them. That gets your quirky, shop-a-holic ways and it makes them feel sane too.
You, however, get the biggest treat of all. The opportunity to influence your devoted fans, in a way that only you can, and make this world a better place all while feeling like yourself. You won’t even have to force coffee down to do it! 😉
Comment below:
Tell me, what are some words that describe your personal branding?
As always, I will be praying for you as you journey through this unpredictable thing called life and ask that you pray for me. Until next time...
Be blessed and be a blessing!