Hello, my name is Kim, and I am a recovering worry wart…
Best Stress-Relieving Tricks for a Worrying Entrepreneur
I’m a professional worrier. I know there are some people that worry, but I see their worry, and raise it by 1,000.
I know I’m not the only mommy and wife that has this issue (silently raise your hand) so I thought this would be great to address and knock out because how in the world can we succeed in your business, if we are constantly in fear?

It all started one day in Bible class. One of the questions asked was, “Are you distant from God?”
Am I distant from God? I didn’t think so, but the more I thought on it, the more I realized a few things that challenged that.
My main device was how anxious I had been feeling lately. I had found myself worrying about my family’s well-being ALL the time.
In my mind, there was one conversation going on, but in God’s mind it was quite another.
What I thought:
“I’m worried that things aren’t going to work out in a good way. How can I help my things go more smoothly? I gotta figure something out!”
What God heard:
“God obviously doesn’t know what he’s doing about this one. He needs me to step in again and fix what He can’t fix on his own.”
How annoying is that!?! I literally sound like a 3 year old that keeps telling her parent, “I can do it myself!” I bet God wanted to give me a whoopin’ or put me in time out or something.
TBH (that’s to be honest for those of you that don’t know texting lingo ha!) sometimes if feels so GOOD to worry doesn’t it? It makes us feel needed and helpful and IN CONTROL!
The harsh reality is, we aren’t in control at all. As a matter of fact, the more we try to have control, the less control we have. (Ever tried to sush your 6 month old baby crying in church? Okay, then you know what I’m talking about!)
So, how can we handle stress in a more appropriate way? Well, I’ll reference on of my favorite movies ever, “What About Bob”
No we can’t completely take a leave of absence and never worry about our problems again, but we can take a quick T-R-I-P.
How to take a T-R-I-P from Worrying About Your Problems
T – tell someone that you’re struggling
Why is this one SO hard to actually do? As women, we are programmed to come across as flawless and perfect, but there are so many times that we struggle.
We have to come to terms with the fact that we never have and never will be perfect. The moment we do that, we set ourselves free to receive the help we need from others. Without it, we suffer in silence, which leads to anxiety and worry.
R – Repeat the word of God
“Thy word have I hid in my heart, so that I might not sin against thee.” (Prov. 18:21) “The law of life and death are on the tongue and they that ”
Have you ever been to the point of no words? When you are so wound up you can’t even speak? My poor husband knows me well. When I get really quiet… he knows to check on me. (What can I say, God blessed me in the talking department lol)
Those are the moments that we should run to the word of God. When worry consumes you and you have no words, the Bible has the best advice around. You know it you can trust something that has worked form thousands of years.
Who needs Oprah when you have Proverbs? 😉
I – Initiate conversations with those that are more experienced.
As young professionals, there are tons of things that we know. Technology has given us education at our finger tips. This is why it’s great to be a millennial. However, as much as we know and have access too, there are just somethings we can’t foresee.
Asking wisdom from those that have been there and done that is the best thing you can do. Not only does it help build a relationship that you can draw upon in needs, but it also gives you insight on preventative actions.
I ask those older than me all the time, and they always give me a perspective I’d never thought of mixed with a true story of how they handled it or wished they would have handled it. Some of my best business advice was handed down to me from a trusted adviser.
P – Pray about it.
Need I say more? I mean no doubt, when you get worried about anything in life… you know that God hears you.
You aren’t in this life alone. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. Use your relationship with God to help you along the way. He knows what’s best for you and can give you peace in the midst of the storm.
Like I said, sometimes you have to take a quick T-R-I-P to get your head back in the game. The funny thing is, if you do each or even just one of these things, you will see that you never had to worry in the first place.
It brings a scripture I love to mind, “Who by worrying can add an hour to their life?”
“ Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?”
Luke 12:25-26New International Version (NIV)
The bottomline… worry about nothing…pray about everything. God’s got you and can handle anything you throw His way.
Comment Below:
What’s your favorite way to relieve worry and stress?
As always, I will be praying for you to release the things that make you worry and bog you down, and I ask that you pray for me to do the same. Until next time…
Be blessed and be a blessing!
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