When I was little, I stole a piece of my mom’s Strawberry-Banana Hubba Bubba bubble gum from my mom.
I saw it sitting on the counter and it looked so good. I could smell it’s goodness and I literally could taste how it would feel in my mouth. Mmmmmm…so good!
So, I did what any smart thinking child would do. I got a chair, climbed up on it to reach the counter, and grabbed a piece of gum.
I was even smart about it. I mean, if the pack hadn’t been opened and I opened it, I would have been caught. However, I saw that the pack was already open and a piece was easily accessible.
I didn’t know what subtraction was or about that fact that if I ate a piece, my mom would notice 1 less piece of gum. All I knew was, I wanted a piece…BAD.
So, I got it, I chewed it, and it was G-O-O-D … until my mom confronted all of the kids and asked in a stern voice, “Which one of you took a piece of my gum?” BUSTED!!!
That brought me to a big decision… should I tell the truth and suffer the consequences, or should I try to cover myself?Sadly, I chose the later. I’m sure you know how this one ended.
Before I tell you the end of the story, I need to remind you that you might not be too different from my 5 year old self.
Yup, you might have stolen and tried to hide it a time or two as well!
Have you ever said to yourself, “I wish I could start a business doing (insert whatever it is that you love to do) but I’m not ready to do anything like that professionally.”?
Busted! You’re stealing! Yes, stealing! When you take what God gave you and hide it, then you’re allowing your fears and doubts to make you steal what God intended to be shared with the world.
We steal from God when we underestimate ourselves, and I’m pretty sure that he’s not happy about it.
This month, our focus is on honesty. Being open and honest with yourself about where you are and what you want out of life is important for growth. It’s so easy to lie to ourselves and and tell ourselves that we are fine. There’s only one problem… We can’t hide from God.
Just like my mom smelled my Hubba Bubba bubble gum, The Big Man Upstairs knows when we’re lying, and some day He will confront us and ask us why we stole His gift to the world. YIKES!
So, what can we you do about it? It’s not like it’s easy to get yourself out there right?
Answer these 5 Questions to Make Yourself Brutally Honest
- What’s the worst thing that could happen if I tried? Is that “worst thing” likely to happen?
- Why do I feel like pursuing my passion won’t work for someone like me?
- Are my negative thoughts about following my passion based on reality or is it F.E.A.R? (False Evidence Appearing Real)
- Can God use me with this passion for His kingdom?
- Am I sure that God didn’t give it to me to share with others?
Sheew! Take a big breath in and out, because if you answered honestly, those can be some tough questions. However, if you allow yourself to be open, you might find one of the best things that has happened to your life.
Doing what you were made for is like flying, it’s scary, but it’s also the most liberating feeling of your life.
In the end, God wants us to have the Hubba Bubba, He just doesn’t want us to take it only for ourselves to enjoy. He made us so that our enjoyment could benefit others as well. Now get out there and start spreading the love!
Today’s Think Take:
For me, question #5 was tough because I knew the real answer deep down inside and it made have to do something about it. I’m glad that I did. What about you? Which of the 5 questions is the hardest to answer? Why? Comment below. I’d love to talk to you about it! Keep relying on God, he’ll get you through. As always, I’ll pray for your self-honesty and ask that you pray for mine. Be blessed and be a blessing!