Turn Your Idea to Income in Just 24-Hours
September 14, 2016

Turn Ideas Into Income In Just 24 Hours

3 Super Easy Steps to Catch Your Dream

In the shower… in the drive-thru… at the movies…

Ideas literally come to me all day long.  Thinking of helpful and creative ways to do something is literally what I do for fun.  It relaxes me. (Weird… but true) 🙂


Think I’m crazy?  Probably not.  My guess is you are an Idea Genius like me and you’ve had an idea sitting in your brain for weeks, months, or dare I say even years!


So, what’s the secret to taking those ideas and turning them into income?  Well sister, I’ve been there, done that, got the t-shirt and I’m ready to share! (my ideas… not my t-shirt!) Ha!


How to Turn Ideas Into Income


So, the good news about turning your idea into income is it really isn’t that difficult and won’t take you long. (Spoiler Alert: I’ll lay the bad news on you a little later)


Here are 3 Crazy-Easy Ways to create an Income Earning Idea in just 24 hours.

  1. Go With What You Know

Chances are, you are already doing something in your professional or recreational life that someone would pay for.  Don’t believe me?  Just ask someone at the office if they’ll pay you for a back rub that you give your husband daily fo’ FREE!  (make sure it’s not your boss that you ask though cuz…awkward!)  The point is, people pay for that stuff.


Take 10 minutes and write down all of your skills.  Go on…. write them down.  Write everything from hobbies, to work tasks, to mommy duties.  Anything that someone else tell you you are good at or that you enjoy…write it!  Got your answers?

Taaa daaah!  You’ve created income producing ideas that you could charge someone for!


2. Go With What Other People Know

Feeling a little humble?  Sometimes it’s hard to brag on ourselves, or better yet, we often don’t know the things that we are good at.  It’s the things we do best that we take for granted.  We don’t realized on someone else’s BEST day, they couldn’t braid a braid, hold a note, or organize as good as you.  There’s value in the small things that you do well!


This time, take out your cellphone.  Now, text as many people as possible this message:


“Hey!  I’m wanting to branch out into new adventures and I’m looking for the right place to start.  Would mind helping me by telling me 3 things that you think I’m good at?”


Yes… you have to do this.  I’m telling you, you think this will be the end of the world, but it will honestly be the beginning.  It’s amazing and humbling how others see our greatness and this exercise is a true GAME CHANGER.  Text at least 20 people.

BA BAM!  60 more income driven ideas!!!!!


3. Go With What You WANT To Know

Last but not least, keep your phone out and go to the social media platform of your choosing.  Instagram and Pinterest are perfect for this exercise.  Got it open?  Good!


Now I want you to look outside of your family and friends and ask yourself, who do you follow?  Is your stream filled with exercise experts, vegan chefs, hand-lettering queens (I love them so much #jeally)  Who do you follow?


Chances are, if you are following several experts in the same category, this is a subject that you are interested in that makes money.  Don’t worry if you don’t know how to do it, that’s actually only half of the battle.  The first half is having passion about it.  You can learn skills, but you can’t always learn passion.


Just like that, you’ve found another income idea worth pursuing!


You see there?  That wasn’t difficult at all was it?  In a short time, now you have all kinds of leads…that’s the good news!


Bad news?  Well…it’s going to take more than just an idea to create income.  You also have to combine it with lots of strategy.  That’s where I come in.  (They don’t call me Kim Osborne “The Idea Genius” for nothing!)  My main role is to help you choose your best income producing idea and give you strategies to turn them into income and more importantly…purpose.

Want to learn more?  Click here!


In the meantime Einstein…tell me, what are your top 3 income ideas that you’d love to pursue?  Comment below and let me know!

Think Tank Assignment (comment below)

Today I want you to rate your own website.  Does your own site contain the 4 changes we made?  Tell me which you already have down pat and which you want to work on.

As always, I will be praying for you to find and fulfill a purpose-driven business that you love and ask that you pray for me as I continue to pursue mine.  Until next time Einstein…


Be blessed and be a blessing!


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