Five Fab Finds I Couldn't Live Without in My Online Business
Plus... one surprise you wouldn't expect!
I literally went from being in a place where I was constantly told what to do and how to do it, to working from home where I could easily fall into a trap of binge watching “Grey’s Anatomy” with the click of one button. (It tempts me daily).
That being said, I’ve learned some tricks and tools that have made laptop living a little easier and thought I’d share what I had to learn the hard way.
If you are currently working from home and needing ideas, or if you are contemplating, these little tricks will save you time and trouble!

Fab Find #1 – Batching
Ever wonder how your favorite bloggers are cranking out that stuff daily, weekly, monthly and you’re at home staring at a blank screen for just one post update??? Well, it’s not that she’s that much smarter than you, she’s just learned how to Batch.
Batching is the art of setting aside time to crank out as much value-based content as you can in one setting.

It’s kinda like making a batch of cookies. Most times you don’t just bake one cookie (unless you’re me in college…I did it shamelessly all the time).
Typically, you crank out at least 12-24 of those babies, and you can do the same with your content (i.e. blog posts, social media updates, podcasts…) That way if you have several to choose from, you can schedule them out accordingly and not have to feel so taxed for new content.
Honestly…I’m doing it right now. Although it’s not always the most fun day of my life, it’s definitely worth the time that it takes. Give it a try. Schedule a day to put on some Beyoncé, grab your favorite snack, and get to work. It will save you time in the long run!
Fab Find #2 – Edgar and Such…
Along the lines of watching others crank out content, have you ever wondered how these people are able to update their social media all day long and maintain their sanity???
I used to wonder that too until I realized…there’s an app for that! Well, actually, it’s not really an app but they call it one. I use something called Edgar to schedule out all of my social media updates to various platforms. We also use this tool for my Digital Marketing Service – Kim Osborne Digital Media.
It’s really great because it allows you to recycle content so that you aren’t having to constantly come up with new updates. Not sure why that’s important? Click Here.
There are several other tools that also schedule out content. They all pretty much work the same. They give you options of when and how you’d like to schedule your posts, you enter them in, and voila!!!
You don’t have to check your social media ALL DAY LONG!!!
I don’t know about you, but this was one of the biggest reliefs for me. It gave me my life back again and I’m sure you’ll love it.
Fab Find #3 – Planners
There are women that documented every single detail of their lives down to the second they would take a restroom break, and then there’s me. I’m the girl that once said, “I remember better in my head than I do with things written down.” (Don’t judge. I was young and naive.)
Once I became a mom, I learned the hard way that I needed to be more like my organized cohort that planned things down to when it’s time to laugh. Okay… not that organized…that’s just too far, but you get my drift…using a planner has been key!
I fought it for a long time, but I just couldn’t get myself together. Finally, I gave in and realized that I need structural help. So, I prayed about finding the right one and low and behold, my husband found a great planner for me.
It wasn’t fancy, it wasn’t pretty, it didn’t let me doodle my feelings on it or anything extra fun, but it had all the key factors that I needed to keep myself and my business on track.
Once I started using my planner, something strange happened… everything that I planned to happen came to be! Sounds obvious but it wasn’t as obvious as it seemed.
I used to wish for things to happen or to get done, but once I wrote it on paper, it was more set in stone. I could cross it off of my list and it felt good!!!
I imagine it’s the feeling people get when they watch the “Dr. Pimple Popper” lady as they watch her pop other people’s zits. (I almost threw up in my mouth typing this, but for some reason it relaxes people to watch)
I saw my planned out daily and monthly goals start to get accomplished and realized that this really is the way to go. I’m not perfect at keeping up with everything, but I’m much better than what I used to be and I seriously urge you to give it a try. It works wonders!
"You can’t work on social media, answer phone calls, write blog posts, cook dinner, clean the house, or settle arguments in the theater. That’s why I love it!"
, Fab Find #4 – Email Systems
Okay, so if you haven’t heard…email is electronic gold. When a potential client allows you to have their personal email, there’s nothing like it.
She is literally raising her hand telling you that she likes and wants what you have. That’s why it’s important to keep a relationship with her; however, the question is how. Email marketing systems are the answer.
They are basically systems that allow you to collect email addresses from interested potential customers and store them into a database. Then you can send mass emails out to your list.
The cool thing about them is you can segregate your list and only include certain emails, personalize them without having to type in names, and even automate email series so that you don’t have to send them individually.
There are several different types of Email Marketing Systems (EMS). When I first started my business, I used MailChimp. I picked it initially because it was free and I needed something cost effective. You can’t be more cost effective than FREE! However, I recently switched to Active Campaign because I was ready to have more features and analytics, and I’ve loved it!
Basically, you can decide which system is the best for you based upon your budget and objectives. Just make sure that you get some type of system. They make all the difference in putting on a professional front.
Fab Find #5 – I ❤ Canva!!!!
Okay, so if you haven’t heard of Canva, I’m about to become your best friend. Canva is a graphic designing system that allows you to create professional looking graphics for F-R-E-E!!!!! Did you hear me??? FREE!!!
I couldn’t believe the gold mine I came across when I finally discovered Canva. Graphic design work can be expensive, and it definitely has its place in our businesses, but who wants to pay for every small little tweak you need to make? Not this girl!
Canva starts by giving you all types of templates that you can build upon to create beautiful looking work. It has over 50 font types and hundreds of templates to choose from. It’s literally been my business bestie from day one.
I mainly use Canva for social media creation for myself and clients. Quotes posts, blog images, Social Media Cover Graphics, Facebook ads and such. It’s super handy and fairly easy to use. I’d highly recommend you taking a few minutes to check it out and play around. You won’t be sorry!
Surprise Bonus Find: Going to the Movies!!!
Yes, I said it, and I’ll stand by it… going to the movies can build your business. Now, let me explain. Like any success-driven person, I work really hard at my business and it’s constantly on my mind.
I think about my business so much, that I feel guilty for taking lunch breaks. I wake up working on things and go to bed working on things for the business. One might call me obessessed… I’d just say I’m passionate!
Either way, it would be easy for me to overwork and stress myself out if I didn’t take a break from time to time. So, one of the things that I do to help with this is I take myself to the movies. It’s my release.
You can’t work on social media, answer phone calls, write blog posts, cook dinner, clean the house, or settle arguments in the theater. That’s why I love it! It’s my way to get-away from all the things that occupy my mind.
Plus, it also helps with my creativity as well. I get inspired by other’s greatness, which gives me the boost of energy that I need to get things done when I get home. I mean look at it like this, if you’re gonna work from home, you might as well take advantage of the flexibility!
So there you have it. My 5 plus 1 bonus essentials that you will need to successfully execute your own business from home. I don’t know where I’d be without any of these things listed above. Now go out, tell your friends that need help too, and get busy building your dream!
Think Tank Assignment (comment below)
Do you have favorite online tools that you swear by? Tell me which you Fab Finds you can’t live without!
As always, I will be praying for you as you navigate what works best for your laptop life and ask that you pray for me. Until next time…
Be blessed and be a blessing!