How to Get Clarity in Decision-Making

How to Get Clarity in Decision-Making

Anyone ever had trouble with decision-making? Like you know you need to make some sort of decision, but have no idea what you are going to do?  I’ll raise my hand high on this one because I have definitely been there!   My husband and I were trying to...
Turn Your Idea to Income in Just 24-Hours

Turn Your Idea to Income in Just 24-Hours

Turn Ideas Into Income In Just 24 Hours 3 Super Easy Steps to Catch Your Dream In the shower… in the drive-thru… at the movies… Ideas literally come to me all day long.  Thinking of helpful and creative ways to do something is literally what I do for...
4 Keys Every Website Needs to Be Effective

4 Keys Every Website Needs to Be Effective

Have you ever found an author, speaker or public figure that you fell in love with? I mean anything that he or she said just felt like it was GOLD! So, you do what any modern, slightly-obsessed fan would do… you go to stalk them on their website. You can’t wait...

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